Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Teen Pregnancy Analysis Essay - 1461 Words

en Teen Pregnancy Jennifer Coetzee July 8, 2013 HCS/465 Kerrie Kelly Teen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy has become an increasing problem over the years. Parents, teachers and teens alike all fear for the same thing, teen pregnancy. In several studies the question always remain the same what is the cause of teen pregnancy other than the obvious answer, why is this continuing to increase over the years. Parents always feel that they were not strict enough. Teachers feel that the teens are either rebellious or that they did something wrong with their teaching. Teens feel all sorts of things that adults do not always understand. The studies that will be discussed are focused on teens and what they feel the problem is that causes teens†¦show more content†¦A series of questions were asked in survey form, teens felt they were receiving information too late and they were self educated themselves long before they learned it from school, or their parents. With media being as violent, and sexual content today that we did not have twenty years ago, kids are curious about sex at younger ages, some even in elementary school. The data that was collected was taken straight from the affected age and targeted different reasons that effect teen pregnancy. They asked a question that was thought to be the reason and asked open ended questions as well meaning questions that do not have a yes or no answer but ones where the teens were forced to give their opinions. In this study the teen’s names were not given, the goal was not to know who the teens were, but to know what can be done to make the awareness of this problem known to teens and their parents. Another study that was performed in this article was on teen a parent who shows that many teen parents do not finish high school and live their adult lives in poverty. Teens who have troubled homes are more likely to become teen parents looking for that security that they have lacked at home, building their own family will give them the love they desire in their mind but they are likely to neglect and or abuse their child orShow MoreRelatedEssay on Analysis of Article on Teen Pregnancy1691 Words   |  7 PagesSuddenly teen pregnancy IS cool? 1. Teen pregnancy is up partly because there is less of a stigma associated with teen pregnancy since there is more of a cultural permission to be a younger mother. The rise is also partly due to the portrayal of celebrity teens such as Jamie Lynn Spears in the media and other cultural shifts, giving teens the idea that having a baby is the new handbag. 2. 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